Extended techniques are all about playing your instrument the “wrong” way

You’re right! Sia wrote Rihanna’s Diamonds in only 14 minutes. The lyrics and beat just came out. This song has reached platinum status five times just in the US. Balance is hard to achieve when it comes to time. If you have too little time, then everything becomes a question. You will not get anything done if you are too little. Solution? Fix a time limit. You can even set a personalized gift limit much shorter than the time you typically write. You will be able to concentrate on your goals, produce more songs and simplify the process by setting small boundaries. You’ll improve the more you write. It’s always best to keep things simple when writing songs. However, it is difficult to achieve. Your approach must be brutal.

You can ask The Beatles. It’s true. Their song, ‘Love Me Do,’ contains 19 different words. But it is still one of history’s most famous songs. It’s a talent that all songwriters should learn. Your songs will be more relatable and engaging. Who doesn’t like a good sing-along? Infinity does exist. You only need a DAW that is blank to know infinity. VST effects and VST plugins can be infinite.

It’s not always good to go on forever. Set a maximum gear amount to help you improve your songwriting. Create a detailed list of the gear you plan to use. You should limit your thoughts to what you’re going to use. Your ideas will develop much more quickly if you don’t have to decide constantly between options. You might find it strange, but restrictions can help you become more creative. It’s because you need to adapt what you already have and make it fit your style. Layover is a great way to create more personalized lyrics.

Pretend you have been away for a while and found some time in the airport to write a card to your loved ones. What would be your response after such a long absence? The narrative is up to you. Perhaps you miss your beloved or feel sad about your career taking you away from your favorite things. You’ll need to write this on a postcard-size, which means you will have to make it short and concise. William S. Burroughs invented the cut-up method to assist him in writing. But he was not writing songs. He wrote books.

It’s also a great concept for writing songs. The process is simple. It’s easy. Just write down some words on your mind. Cut them out and rearrange into new ideas. The words don’t need to be there. This can include chords or melodies. It could also be pictures. Tell yourself you must write 5 songs first before buying any new gear or toy.

You will have something more to aim for than just the completion of a piece. Although that is an excellent reward, I won’t tell you to follow in Mozart’s footsteps.

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